Wyoming’s Heritage to the Rails

Before Wyoming was founded as a U.S territory in 1868, a railroad had already been established. The Union Pacific Railway company set up shop and started building the transcontinental railroad in 1867 on the site of present-day Cheyenne. With the prosperity of the railroad, came development as well as territory status. After the two-year construction of the transcontinental railroad, business and expansion was brought to the new territory, qualifying it for statehood in 1890.

Since then, the railroad has spread across the state and has helped the commonwealth of Wyoming, by connecting the vast state to better establish a functioning economy. None of which would not have been possible without the help of line workers, engineers, station masters, conductors, and all others who represent the state’s railroad industry. These people and places of this influential, connective industry are what the state of Wyoming was built upon. This state’s heritage to the rails, although rich with history, is not a thing of the past. This heritage is seen in the faces of those who have loved the railroads, who love the rails now, and those whose respect for this industry is yet to come. I hope, at the very least, the last listed might be you.


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